Little Woods' Tea Blends: Our blends are rooted in herbalism and teaism with the highest quality botanicals from around the globe.
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Apple Harvest Chai
From $6.50
From $5.00
Astragalus Tisane
Autumnal Equinox Oolong Blend
From $7.50
Blueberry Bliss White Tea
From $11.50
Breezy Oolong
From $6.80
Bright Eyes - Lemon Black Tea Blend
Bright Eyes - Lemon Herbal Blend
Bright Eyes - Lemon Yerba Mate Blend
Cerise Citron Coffee Cherry Tea
From $6.00
Crush it Tisane
Dark n' Lush
Digestif Ginger Tisane, herbal tea
Elder Mate
Elderberry Green Tea
Eloise Mint
Eternal Youth
Evanescence Coffee Cherry Tea
From $7.00
Fireside Tea
Floral Fusion, green tea