Spice up your Winter with our Clear-out Sale
Cozy up with our Seasonal Collection
Get Creative with Blend Ingredients
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Tea Passport Subscription
Gift Set - Winter Collection
Winter Solstice Herbal Tea
12 Teas Cozy Collection
on orders over $50.00!
Tea blends are made from whole ingredients using our own formulas. No additives, flavoring, and extracts.
Shop Little Woods' tea & wellness blends
Add on as many or as few samples as you want to your order for just $1 each!
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Looking for something specific? Try searching by the common or latin name, use, or property.
Cornlfower petals, Clearance
Yerba Mate, Green, c/s Clearance
Green Rooibos, Clearance
Anise Star, Whole, Clearance