Phoenix Oolong


One of our favorite full leaf oolongs for daily drinking. Phoenix Oolong (Mi Lan Xiang/米蘭香) is a dān cōng (單樅/ "single bush") tea. Grown in the Phoenix mountain range, once a good tea is discovered, it is propagated via cuttings into a whole grove. That's what the "single bush" refers to, that the whole grove is genetically identical.

Learn our favorite way to brew Phoenix Oolong

While there are many types of Don cong Phoenix Oolongs made by skilled tea masters in the region, the one we carry is typically harvested in the late summer/fall, the mature leaves are withered and then charcoal roasted. This special treatment creates what has become known as a Honey Orchard fragrance -- sweet caramel tones with a lovely floral note.

Long leaves are given a slight twist so when brewing, it’s best to use a large infuser or tea pot so the leaves can steep without being crushed. This special tea is wonderful for all day enjoyment as the leaves can be re-steeped several times, usually about 3-4 times if you use a 3 minute infusion. Traditionally, one starts a pot of tea in the morning and re-steeps the same leaves throughout the day, by the evening time the caffeine is mostly extracted.

Phoenix oolong is a lovely tea to add other botanicals too as its robust flavor stands up well with other complex flavors. We use it not just in our Autumnal Equinox, but also our Pretty Penny and Dark & Lush Oolong blends that are available year round.

Brew Instructions: 1-2t. (4-5g) | 12oz water | 190 - 200°F | 3-4 minutes | 3-4 infusions